Category: mIRC Addons
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On 08/27/09
Downloads 1,247
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by FordLawnmower
This is an alias that is missing from mIRC for some reason. $utf8(N) will return the utf8 character that corresponds to the number (N).
I also added two examples (flip & octatext) and the alias H2U.
Flip will turn your text upside-down and octatext will print your text in little octagons.
The alias H2U just converts the (N) in $h2u(N) from hexadecimal to base10 before calling $utf8(N).
H2U will convert the hexadecimal number to the corresponding utf8 character.
On 03/04/11
Downloads 1,229
Votes 0
by Andy Carvell
MSN messenger for mirc. Lots of updates and new features
February 2011
- Complete unicode compliance - this means that 'foreign' characters now work 100% correctly.
- "Use...
On 08/11/09
Downloads 1,226
Votes 0
On 09/15/08
Downloads 1,218
Votes 0
by Scakk
This dialog allows you turn on/off your groups ( #group ) as you need via the dialog. If you turn one off a second dialog appears allowing you turn off the variables/timers associa...
On 06/22/09
Downloads 1,177
Votes 1
by Jonesy44
What is this?
Another, but working, simple (!)learn and (!)say bot. This was made by request for a friend of mine.
As a user:-
[!@`]say - returns topic's data
On 03/28/09
Downloads 1,175
Votes 0
by PePSiMaN
So i know there is a lot of these around. But this is definately not a flake one at all. First off, it takes care of the $network issue for random servers. So you dont have to spec...