
Category: All


On 06/28/06 Downloads 971 Votes 0 Rating
by VSIXc
its just a basic script ,its only made to give ppl a general idea on how thing work ( modes and stuff ). i didn't want to make a cool looking script or anything like that because ...
On 06/04/06 Downloads 947 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
Chat Guardian now comes with Chat Defender which gives you the ability to not only block, or replace certain words, but also kicks, and even bans if a specified word is found withi...
On 05/30/06 Downloads 1,132 Votes 0 Rating
by Vexation,Cryton
Well first of all things NüclearMsn can customise nicks now.I have cleared many things i request all NüclearMsn users to read the nuclear readme file and Nuclear mrc file before ...
On 05/29/06 Downloads 731 Votes 0 Rating
by vsixc
font stripper - color addon to be used on vsixc chat ( nothing fancy but it does the job )
On 05/22/06 Downloads 1,041 Votes 0 Rating
by GothicManager A.K.A Absorb
I have brought my VERY old script back to life after 4 yrs of it not working. Now has an updated Vincula and an updated mIRC. Still contains all the old stuff it always has.
On 05/22/06 Downloads 676 Votes 0 Rating
by VSIXc
Just a simple room create and roomlister addon for vsixc chat

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