
Category: All


On 10/27/06 Downloads 976 Votes 0 Rating
by Rumbaar - Edited by X-Fusion
Hybrid has been updated for use on VSIXc. The famed script that so many loved on MSN has been updated with almost all the features it had there. Take a look in the 'hybridupdatedre...
On 10/22/06 Downloads 1,168 Votes 0 Rating
by twigboy
Addon to make using the DCX.dll much easier. A must have for people who are now using the dcx.dll. It's still an ongoing project so check often for updates. Updates [v1.4 - 21/10...
On 10/21/06 Downloads 643 Votes 0 Rating
by IceChat
IceChat can connect to many IRC Servers, has full scripting support and customizable popup menus and a unique, easy to use Interface. It has emoticon support, skins, full DCC Suppo...
On 10/21/06 Downloads 911 Votes 0 Rating
by Microsoft
Microsoft Chat is a free software application
On 10/03/06 Downloads 856 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
ScriptureBot is now available for the VSIXc Chat Network. Also available in ScriptureBot is Chat Guardian, and VSIXc Project which is a multi-tool addon. An updater is included wit...
On 10/03/06 Downloads 725 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
VSIXc Project is a multi-tool addon. An updater is included with VSIXc Project to keep you up-to-date whenever you want. Just select the files you wish to download.

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