Category: All
On 06/01/12
Downloads 611
Votes 0
by Neophyte
Customised script for Rogues ( chat. Very simple to use. On startup a popup shows with 2 options, Unreg
chat(button), and Reg chat (button). Click the Unreg but...
On 09/02/03
Downloads 610
Votes 0
by Thæ·Ãoctor
Basic NickList for mIRC, owner / Host / Partici / Spectate Kick with msg / Ban with msg . Docks to the left
On 07/23/03
Downloads 608
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by »¤§£¥¤«.
Viper Trivia Game Addon with the editor plus the 17 question Quiz (JJ and WebAgents) and a 200 question (Questions by Adaera) quiz formatted for Viper by »¤§£¥¤Â...
On 02/02/05
Downloads 607
Votes 0
by DDP
Basically is a simple userlist dropin dialog... created for easy use.. please read the readme so it works right though, i dont want e mail about how it doesnt work and you didnt re...
On 01/18/12
Downloads 606
Votes 0
by Neophyte
Easy to use, fairly basic script. ..Much customised. has its own inbuilt dedicated winamp. Also has Wechat,..... probably ( im sure) the best server webchat, out there..... Lots of...