
Category: All


On 04/22/13 Downloads 1,257 Votes 0 Rating
by Kall
Pros... The script is well built, using dynamic popups, dialogs and custom windows, allowing the user to setup almost everything in the script. It also include Tabo's ftp client a...
On 08/06/06 Downloads 1,254 Votes 0 Rating
by Absorbx
Updated to work with all new MSN changes. Should now work on all computers and has been updated to DG v1.1.
On 06/07/08 Downloads 1,253 Votes 0 Rating
by Deimius
This is my own Rock Paper Scissors game that I use on my Bot. It's my first real snippet that I actually made from scratch, however unoriginal it is. It is a little long, so any in...
On 09/15/10 Downloads 1,251 Votes 0 Rating
by FordLawnmower
First: THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH mIRC 7.X!!!!!!! The encoding to make the signatures for OAuth Authentication require the unicode character "pairs" that no longer exist in mIRC. At ...
On 09/04/03 Downloads 1,249 Votes 0 Rating
by eXonyte & Rumbaar
This code by eXonyte will allow protection against all types of on JOIN Flood attacks (Passport or Guest_) it works by dynamicaly setting the room maximum chatter size to +3 the cu...
On 10/06/03 Downloads 1,249 Votes 0 Rating
by ClickHeRe
DLL used to dock dialogs ( works in mirc 6.1x)

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