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On 08/27/09 Downloads 1,248 Votes 0 Rating
by FordLawnmower
This is an alias that is missing from mIRC for some reason. $utf8(N) will return the utf8 character that corresponds to the number (N). I also added two examples (flip & octatext) and the alias H2U. Flip will turn your text upside-down and octatext will print your text in little octagons. The alias H2U just converts the (N) in $h2u(N) from hexadecimal to base10 before calling $utf8(N). H2U will convert the hexadecimal number to the corresponding utf8 character.
On 03/07/04 Downloads 1,247 Votes 0 Rating
by «¤§£¥¤»
This is the Full Manual covering Installation, Main Chat Screen, Control Board,(with the Raw Data Tutorial added ) and Response System ( Onjoin, Response, and Data Base tutorials)....
On 07/13/08 Downloads 1,246 Votes 0 Rating
by Jagfire
mIRC Addon that uses sockets to retrieve famous birthdays that occurred on a selected date.
On 09/09/08 Downloads 1,245 Votes 1 Rating
by Warrior124
WebchatZ7 comes with alot of goodies too numerous to mention here. However one is an updater that let's you know when an update to a loaded file is available. Of course it is a web...
On 12/01/04 Downloads 1,244 Votes 0 Rating
by bub325
DLL used for adding smilies/emoticons in mirc Now includes screen clear.
On 04/11/07 Downloads 1,238 Votes 0 Rating
by d33j4y™, Tarnt & Tony4in1
Great job done by Tarnt & Tony4in1 in making this next version of d33j4y's original Buzzen Client for Buzzen Chat Network! It has been heavily modded since the first Buzzen Client version and Uses Moschino Buzzen Connection 1.7, also has a mass assortment of options with an easy to use sidebar! A definate must download for Buzzen script users!!! *Updates: Upgraded the mIRC to 6.21, added the current Buzzen Lookup IP which can be changed through the Moschino Setup Passport dialog if it happens to change again!

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