
Category: All


On 07/01/08 Downloads 1,091 Votes 3 Rating
by Palomo aka adictionz
Palomo Scriptz v4.9-Beta Full Script para el server de Full Dialogos - Protecciones - Snnipets - Addons - Takes - etc...
On 03/02/10 Downloads 1,090 Votes 0 Rating
by Flobse
A snippet to create a picture with colorgradient, or to create a frame around a picture or to create a progressbar.
On 07/09/08 Downloads 1,081 Votes 0 Rating
by MountainDew
This script searches for videos on YouTube and returns the first three results. It returns the Title, Date Added, User, Length, Views, Rating, and URL for each video. Syntax:...
On 06/23/08 Downloads 1,079 Votes 0 Rating
by Alup
usage: !8ball create a new text fill in your bots dir name it 8ball.txt add the stuff between the 8ball.txt start - 8ball.txt end in to the file and save done!
On 11/15/08 Downloads 1,078 Votes 1 Rating
by F*U*R*B*Y*
basic IRC Bot with a few commands. Commands are: !sayit - The bot just repeats your message. !md5 - The bot just says the md5 sum of your message. How to run it, you ch...
On 09/23/09 Downloads 1,078 Votes 1 Rating
by Dabba
Updates - Moschino[FlashBuzzen]2.37 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ...

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