Category: All
On 11/15/08
Downloads 1,160
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by NIGathan
This script will allow you to easily get info of a user without whois'ing them! (No matter their oper status, they wont be able to see it)
Just hover your mouse over someones ni...
On 11/15/14
Downloads 1,156
Votes 2
by Pent
Ok so Obituary although functional doesn't have really any thing for preventing scrolling, kicking, de-ownering and/or any thing else that can be a nuisance. Death Wolf by Pent has...
On 08/18/13
Downloads 1,152
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by err0r
.w 38851
.w london
.w houston tx
.w houston,tx
Will save users last search entry so next time the user can just use .w to return their saved weather search.
On 10/24/04
Downloads 1,151
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by deX
Protections Dialog V3.0, has been highly modified from V2.0, more organized, with a hole new layout... easier to use, way better with a start up option that can easly be turned off...
On 02/28/04
Downloads 1,147
Votes 0
by Admin_Elite-Rando|a
A Great Scirpt For Beginners... Has Many Dialogs And Protections.. Very Useful In Your Chat Room To Help Protect Your Chat. Has The Vincula 4.9 Edited So Its All Ready For Msn Chat...