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On 06/12/03 Downloads 741 Votes 0 Rating
On 04/30/04 Downloads 741 Votes 0 Rating
by The Gate Keeper
This addon is MSN based. This addon is an emoticon kicker. It has variables such as custom kick message, custom ban time, and how many emoticons allowed in 1 line before kicking. I...
On 02/29/04 Downloads 740 Votes 0 Rating
by KaZ/Kevin
its a fast connection, uses subinfo.. has a sockread mass Gold i took out all my Good crap and made a basik if ($4-5 == -q $me) protection.. But its quick.. Better Crap in Versions...
On 03/10/05 Downloads 739 Votes 0 Rating
by Pent
An add on to make adding on text responses simpler. Basically you just input the command and what ever you want it to say when the command is entered. it holds up to 50.
On 02/01/06 Downloads 738 Votes 0 Rating
by ClickHeRe
Simply the best popup dll out there today. Supports icon, colors, styles, etc.
On 07/31/14 Downloads 738 Votes 0 Rating
by Il-Kane
God-IRC evo.6.2 is an update to evo.6 due to lots of requests to update the script. So here it is the new version

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