Category: All
On 07/23/03
Downloads 742
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by cOld fusiOn
A unique sleak and very easy to use user search engine for MSN call it an advanced Find A Friend if you want, but 10 x better, very stable and fast find just about anyone scan just...
On 02/28/03
Downloads 741
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by xsmithx
A new Version of My Nick Creator, a much better Look, More Help, and addon, that Creats msn messenger Nicknames, testers have said that this is a very good Program.
On 04/30/04
Downloads 741
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by The Gate Keeper
This addon is MSN based. This addon is an emoticon kicker. It has variables such as custom kick message, custom ban time, and how many emoticons allowed in 1 line before kicking. I...
On 02/29/04
Downloads 740
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by KaZ/Kevin
its a fast connection, uses subinfo.. has a sockread mass Gold i took out all my Good crap and made a basik if ($4-5 == -q $me) protection.. But its quick.. Better Crap in Versions...
On 02/01/06
Downloads 740
Votes 0
by ClickHeRe
Simply the best popup dll out there today. Supports icon, colors, styles, etc.