Category: All
On 03/10/05
Downloads 739
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by Pent
An add on to make adding on text responses simpler. Basically you just input the command and what ever you want it to say when the command is entered. it holds up to 50.
On 08/19/09
Downloads 738
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by D3bug and LifeIsPain
Xchat connection for buzzen. Includes style stripper. Perl scripts
On 07/31/14
Downloads 738
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by Il-Kane
God-IRC evo.6.2 is an update to evo.6 due to lots of requests to update the script. So here it is the new version
On 01/29/03
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by Amoeba
This is an updated version of my Caps Kicker. I've noticed that emoticons are considered caps by mIRC, so I've updated it so it strips out emoticons.
On 01/09/05
Downloads 736
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by Impact Designs
Truth or dare game for Irc. This addon allows you to offer the game in your channel. It is preloaded with truth, dare and double dare questions. Some questions may or may not fit t...
On 08/11/08
Downloads 736
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by err0r
Color icons for mIRC. Includes colors 00 through 15. For use in mIRC dialogs.