Category: All
On 09/03/04
Downloads 4,204
Votes 1
by LoVeDoCtOrCaSa
Updated Script, killed a few bugs and installed latest Mirc version. IRC script with lots of Options , like auto join , auto founder , auto identify , IRCop functions (u see them o...
On 01/21/10
Downloads 977
Votes 0
by Casa
IRC script with lots of Options , like auto join , auto founder , auto identify , IRCop functions (u see them only when ur an IRCop), userlist (ban, auto OP , auto Founder ) etc. S...
On 05/20/09
Downloads 1,660
Votes 0
by Kirby
"So, how can I use this?"
Syntax: /pastebin to open up the dialog.
I've tried to make it as user-friendly as possible, but maybe it's not for some of you. So, here's some elabora...
On 12/24/18
Downloads 46
Votes 0
by Winz
Please read the ReadMeKiss.txt file included for changelog info (If you are like me and want to dive right in you can call up the readme file by typing /readme - If you already dow...
On 01/29/03
Downloads 422
Votes 0