
Category: All


On 03/02/03 Downloads 299 Votes 0 Rating
by Virus`X
Kick Dialog
On 09/03/04 Downloads 4,204 Votes 1 Rating
by LoVeDoCtOrCaSa
Updated Script, killed a few bugs and installed latest Mirc version. IRC script with lots of Options , like auto join , auto founder , auto identify , IRCop functions (u see them o...
On 01/21/10 Downloads 977 Votes 0 Rating
by Casa
IRC script with lots of Options , like auto join , auto founder , auto identify , IRCop functions (u see them only when ur an IRCop), userlist (ban, auto OP , auto Founder ) etc. S...
On 05/20/09 Downloads 1,660 Votes 0 Rating
by Kirby
"So, how can I use this?" Syntax: /pastebin to open up the dialog. I've tried to make it as user-friendly as possible, but maybe it's not for some of you. So, here's some elabora...
On 12/24/18 Downloads 46 Votes 0 Rating
by Winz
Please read the ReadMeKiss.txt file included for changelog info (If you are like me and want to dive right in you can call up the readme file by typing /readme - If you already dow...
On 01/29/03 Downloads 422 Votes 0 Rating
by eXi|e
Full scritp by eXi|e

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