Category: All
On 02/21/12
Downloads 1,313
Votes 1
by FordLawnmower
Description: Simple Youtube Downloader will download a youtube video based on the link that you enter and place it in the folder you select. The default download location is $mircd...
On 04/18/03
Downloads 440
Votes 0
by Malfoleo A.k.a. Ted
Features include: multiple auto kicks for different disruptions; sleeper; two user levels; three kick/ban/spam lists; profile kicking/baning; theme system with five unique themes; spamer...
On 04/22/13
Downloads 278
Votes 0
by [-maverick-]
siRC is designed to be full script that is usable by both advanced IRC users, and novice users. It gives the user a 'new look' to mIRC, one that is much easier on the eyes, and 'up...
On 12/10/02
Downloads 514
Votes 0
On 09/01/02
Downloads 658
Votes 0
by Absolute Genius aka engima
password is BagPussTheCat , while the guest flooder doesn't work