Category: All
On 10/03/06
Downloads 838
Votes 0
by Warrior124
Chat Guardian is a tool you can use to either filter out words you don't wish to see, or replace the words with something else.
On 10/14/02
Downloads 1,004
Votes 0
On 09/04/03
Downloads 518
Votes 0
by Keith Gable
This addon shows all the properties of the room, and translates several of the properties into readable text (such as the Creation and Subject properties). Works with any connectio...
On 12/04/02
Downloads 662
Votes 0
by Dynamic Sysop
4.5 patch is included, but note you cant connect with a room the normal way if you replace original chatcontrol, either keep the exe running and you can or put back original chatco...
On 04/19/13
Downloads 450
Votes 0
by Paige
Full Script for the ChatCore Chat service. Try it out to join a very friendly and helpful chat. Just open the script, click on SETUP (top of right hand sidebar), choose how you wan...
On 04/19/13
Downloads 420
Votes 0
by Paige
Updated Script for Chatcore. Uses custom nicklist, custom menus, tooltipped sidebar, Fixed Size mirc , etc etc.
Lots of goodies.This v2 version now includes kicks, bans,prots, mod...