Category: All
On 11/18/08
Downloads 253
Votes 0
by Roby¯c
A basic script based on the SoulFly 1.4 connection for Buzzen's Flash IRC which includes a few extra added features and options!
On 05/21/13
Downloads 678
Votes 0
by Il-Kane
This time upon request i changed a little the script visuals, changed some bitmaps and tuned up some code
On 05/09/13
Downloads 861
Votes 1
On 07/31/14
Downloads 738
Votes 0
by Il-Kane
God-IRC evo.6.2 is an update to evo.6 due to lots of requests to update the script. So here it is the new version
On 09/27/10
Downloads 803
Votes 1
On 12/27/20
Downloads 29
Votes 0
by Saverio Ferrara
I realized the Goku Script when I was just a kid. It was a great success, and since its release it has always been in the top ten of the mIRC scripts. In July of 2001 I had approxi...