
Category: All


On 03/20/05 Downloads 787 Votes 0 Rating
by Rhys
A login bot for your channel to help stop the annoying users from interrupting your chat. All users are required to login before being able to speak in the channel. (Mode +m requir...
On 11/15/08 Downloads 1,163 Votes 0 Rating
by NIGathan
This script will allow you to easily get info of a user without whois'ing them! (No matter their oper status, they wont be able to see it) Just hover your mouse over someones ni...
On 08/22/03 Downloads 325 Votes 0 Rating
by Pendominium_
Addon used to view html source of pages.
On 07/26/09 Downloads 1,390 Votes 1 Rating
by Rumbaar with connection by Travis edited by Jen
The popular Hybrid script updated with the latest version of SoulFly Connection and retooled to work with buzzen chat network.
On 04/16/07 Downloads 2,695 Votes 0 Rating
by Rumbaar edited by JeremyStCyr
Hybrid Buzzen 1.2, Updated, fixed a few things that wasn't working properly and made a installer to make it alot easier on newbies. and members wanting the shortcut icon on desktop...
On 09/04/03 Downloads 492 Votes 0 Rating
by Rümßäär
This add-on is a protection from those MSN room resets, it work by if you get disconnected it resets the lookup servers and joins the last room. Now if that last room is the one yo...

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