
Category: All


On 10/13/05 Downloads 558 Votes 0 Rating
by zantetsuken\\vic`\\seph
simple noobish access dialog to view edit,add,delete access entries
On 02/01/06 Downloads 740 Votes 0 Rating
by ClickHeRe
Simply the best popup dll out there today. Supports icon, colors, styles, etc.
On 04/20/06 Downloads 1,930 Votes 0 Rating
by DJV
Msn script based on the NuClearMSN connection by vexation! Features include a custom toolbar complete with room protections, room message editor, mp3 player, a modified text respon...
On 12/27/05 Downloads 1,341 Votes 0 Rating
by Cryton
This is an update of 4.4 its with Nuclear Msn version 6.1.1 edited.I edited some dialogs to make it more short and sleek.This is the last update of Core-Msn 4x series. Update: T...
On 06/29/08 Downloads 616 Votes 0 Rating
by rdnck_ca
this is wordfrenzy V4 made by blushingbrunette.i have taken a scramble frenzy code that was made for trivia(author unknow to me thought i do know some of the editing of it was iceh...
On 07/09/08 Downloads 1,081 Votes 0 Rating
by MountainDew
This script searches for videos on YouTube and returns the first three results. It returns the Title, Date Added, User, Length, Views, Rating, and URL for each video. Syntax:...

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