Category: All
On 08/19/09
Downloads 738
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by D3bug and LifeIsPain
Xchat connection for buzzen. Includes style stripper. Perl scripts
On 07/26/09
Downloads 988
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by d33j4y� & Twist of Fate
A premodded mIRC version 6.35 using Dabba's Moschino FlashBuzzen 2.37 full connection for a host of games including ScrambleFrenzy! No fancy designs or setup! A simple beginners ga...
On 08/28/09
Downloads 734
Votes 0
by err0r
Logs nicks/address. Will display last 5 nicknames the user used.
Options include:
Per channel logging, messaging, and echo
@window log viewer with search,remove entry, and c...
On 09/01/09
Downloads 627
Votes 0
by Pent/Nexus
Obituary started as me trying to recreate a script I made before but never released and took on its own life, this is by no means a protective script, its an excessively customizab...
On 08/28/09
Downloads 897
Votes 0
by SoFarxAway777
Allows one user to use a text command to update their twitter from mIRC.
On 08/18/09
Downloads 509
Votes 0
by tv3636 edited by j3nX
Family Feud Game addon.
Edited to work with Buzzen Chat Network.
Tested using SoulFly connection.