
Category: All


On 04/27/12 Downloads 622 Votes 0 Rating
by SEC
This is a dialog for entering emotes into the editbox if you can't remember then keystrokes like me. Simple and easy to use. Please see the readme.text for instructions on how to...
On 02/14/10 Downloads 1,062 Votes 0 Rating
by Flobse
This snippet split a long textline in more lines. It try to doesn't split in a word and it support also colorcodes. The main-function is /msg, but you can also specify other comm...
On 03/02/10 Downloads 1,089 Votes 0 Rating
by Flobse
A snippet to create a picture with colorgradient, or to create a frame around a picture or to create a progressbar.
On 02/03/10 Downloads 531 Votes 0 Rating
by WRCLiam
Kaleidoscope, by wrcliam. mIRC was hard getting back into it, getting better all the time. you should see more of kaleidoscope, this is my first script i have released.
On 04/23/10 Downloads 487 Votes 0 Rating
by microsoft
New Windows Live Messenger Wave 4 Emoticons
On 04/25/10 Downloads 439 Votes 0 Rating
by Jigsy
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