
Category: All


On 02/10/11 Downloads 501 Votes 0 Rating
by Chrystoffer
dock dlgs and @windows in toolbar/switchbar/treebar and $tip() mirc 7+
On 02/10/11 Downloads 422 Votes 0 Rating
by tronicer
DLL that pops up the mIRC popup menu at specified coordinates.
On 02/10/11 Downloads 1,074 Votes 0 Rating
by Haddock
This is an update of the $ansi2mirc function, which doesn't quite convert the ansi colours properly. Use $ansi2mirc2(text) to convert ansi colour-coded text to mirc colours.
On 06/08/11 Downloads 736 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Latest update to the Griffin script, with added features and smaller footprint. Help file extended . (Try it out, come to Chatcore chat!). Easy to use, single server, straightforwa...
On 03/04/11 Downloads 983 Votes 0 Rating
by hixxy
This script lets you download files from the internet via HTTP or FTP. It raises multiple signals so that you can respond to certain events (such as chunks of the file being downlo...
On 03/29/11 Downloads 846 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Unreal ircd multi-server, Koach,Chatcore,Chains. Singly or multi -join. Lots of options, Custom nicklists, custom menus, mts theme changer, lots of themes and deviations of themes....

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