
Category: All


On 05/18/09 Downloads 620 Votes 0 Rating
by ^Neptune
Just decided to make a new one. Yes, I know it uses Omega's icons, but I got Lindrian's permission to do that. All coding has been done by me (except the binary stuff on the ID3...
On 04/22/13 Downloads 367 Votes 0 Rating
by YA-HA
A great script, full of features, with generally very neat dialogs.
On 05/16/08 Downloads 806 Votes 0 Rating
by mr_man
A general IRC script with tons of options. Email client, MTS Themes, Mode manager, Protections, and much more.
On 04/22/13 Downloads 598 Votes 0 Rating
by mr_man
A fully functional script with a plethora of useful features for every user.
On 02/01/05 Downloads 757 Votes 0 Rating
by FoLKeN^
This is an unofficial release of nHTMLn by Necroman -> then modified by Dan - with one more function, execScript, which lets you execute java script commands "on the fly", i mean, w...
On 03/07/03 Downloads 1,144 Votes 0 Rating
Recently a few scripts have had a html dll that scans on norton has having the IRC Trojan. We suggest that you download this clean dll and replace all nHTMn_2.92.dll's you have on ...

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