Category: All
On 02/02/05
Downloads 607
Votes 0
by DDP
Basically is a simple userlist dropin dialog... created for easy use.. please read the readme so it works right though, i dont want e mail about how it doesnt work and you didnt re...
On 04/20/13
Downloads 698
Votes 0
by Solar
This is the Final Nightmare script by Solar. It has been fun to do this last Nightmare. I have a Lot of help from Lot of friend's. Like to thank Blade for taken time with me when S...
On 11/18/08
Downloads 512
Votes 0
by Solar
Good multi-feature script for Buzzens FlashIRC chat network which uses Moschino FlashBuzzen connection! Custom sidebar includes many options and dialogs and room control features s...
On 08/12/03
Downloads 900
Votes 0
by FlyingDoggyJake
MSN chat client with Access Lists, Auto Lists, Auto Responses, Forbidden words kick lists, Many Owner options. Also features a multiple choice Quiz bot with the option to record st...
On 02/28/03
Downloads 741
Votes 0
by xsmithx
A new Version of My Nick Creator, a much better Look, More Help, and addon, that Creats msn messenger Nicknames, testers have said that this is a very good Program.