
Category: All


On 10/22/06 Downloads 1,168 Votes 0 Rating
by twigboy
Addon to make using the DCX.dll much easier. A must have for people who are now using the dcx.dll. It's still an ongoing project so check often for updates. Updates [v1.4 - 21/10...
On 02/13/13 Downloads 572 Votes 0 Rating
by see help file
This DLL lets you add new controls to mIRC dialogs as well as change other features like the visual style, position etc. For use with mIRC v6.35 Help file located at http://dcx....
On 02/25/13 Downloads 753 Votes 1 Rating
by ClickHeRe
For people having trouble with the latest DCX building. If you are having problems with black statusbar or icon issues, you should use this version.
On 02/25/13 Downloads 862 Votes 0 Rating
by see help file
Latest dcx dev build 18 [general] added check for directx sdk version when compiling with directx enabled. [list] added /xdid -z [NAME] [ID] command that updates the horizo...
On 02/06/25 Downloads 1 Votes 0 Rating
Dialog Control eXtensions for mIRC Support forum: None... Pre-Built dll's: This is DCX version 3.1+ & requires mIRC v7.45+
On 11/15/14 Downloads 1,156 Votes 2 Rating
by Pent
Ok so Obituary although functional doesn't have really any thing for preventing scrolling, kicking, de-ownering and/or any thing else that can be a nuisance. Death Wolf by Pent has...

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