
Category: All


On 06/04/06 Downloads 947 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
Chat Guardian now comes with Chat Defender which gives you the ability to not only block, or replace certain words, but also kicks, and even bans if a specified word is found withi...
On 08/06/06 Downloads 1,359 Votes 0 Rating
by The Gate Keeper
This is the DogCollar connection found in GuarDDog v. 5, now available for everyone to use. DogCollar Connection is probably one of the most optional connections around. With th...
On 05/20/06 Downloads 1,261 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
Scripture-Bot5 contains multiple verse, and version searches. Example: kjv,nasb,niv,nivuk John 3:16-21 Old style Vincula connection has returned as well for those missing the w...
On 05/22/06 Downloads 952 Votes 0 Rating
by vsixc
this is a connection to be used when connecting with a nick registerd on
On 05/22/06 Downloads 676 Votes 0 Rating
by VSIXc
Just a simple room create and roomlister addon for vsixc chat
On 05/29/06 Downloads 731 Votes 0 Rating
by vsixc
font stripper - color addon to be used on vsixc chat ( nothing fancy but it does the job )

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