Category: All
On 11/02/06
Downloads 1,431
Votes 0
On 10/03/06
Downloads 856
Votes 0
by Warrior124
ScriptureBot is now available for the VSIXc Chat Network. Also available in ScriptureBot is Chat Guardian, and VSIXc Project which is a multi-tool addon. An updater is included wit...
On 04/11/07
Downloads 3,022
Votes 0
by d33j4y™
Much improved over the original version of Buzz Zyrus! More room protections have been added, now uses Moschino Buzzen Connection 1.7 and mIRC 6.21 and now has the option for users...
On 10/21/06
Downloads 911
Votes 0
On 11/19/06
Downloads 1,289
Votes 0
by eXonyte edited by Terminal Access
Edited Vincula to connect to the Sparkpea Chat Network.
On 10/27/06
Downloads 976
Votes 0
by Rumbaar - Edited by X-Fusion
Hybrid has been updated for use on VSIXc. The famed script that so many loved on MSN has been updated with almost all the features it had there. Take a look in the 'hybridupdatedre...