
Category: All


On 01/17/14 Downloads 641 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Here is the easy way to it.... You only have to do this once!, (on your first script start) From then on it will all be automatic. 1/.First, (if you havnt already done so), REGIS...
On 04/11/14 Downloads 622 Votes 0 Rating
by OpenSSL
openssl dll's needed by mIRC to connect to irc via ssl. These are version 1.0.1g so not affected by the heartbleed bug. Compiled using Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 7.
On 07/31/14 Downloads 738 Votes 0 Rating
by Il-Kane
God-IRC evo.6.2 is an update to evo.6 due to lots of requests to update the script. So here it is the new version
On 12/12/14 Downloads 781 Votes 0 Rating
by WinZero
PaperIRC 9 By (Powered By HEX Server) PaperIRC 8.1 By (Helped by Randola) PaperIRC 8.0 By (Helped by Randola) PaperIRC 7.5 By (He...
On 12/18/14 Downloads 438 Votes 0 Rating
by Cheer
Another old chat server software program used to run chat servers. Please use at your own discretion.
On 12/18/14 Downloads 437 Votes 0 Rating
by EvoX modded by Mitshii
Alternate version of the PaperIRC chat server software modded by Mitshii. Use at your own risk.

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