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On 05/02/16 Downloads 268 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
UKchatters is now well established, lots of chatters on it , worth a try. On first script start, click "setup" button on toolbar. This brings up a setup dialog popup. Click each b...
On 05/08/16 Downloads 312 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
This alien is an update to cover the latest Moschino Roomlister only 08/05/2016
On 05/25/16 Downloads 294 Votes 0 Rating
by err0r
New ECN Roomlister by err0r. ( will need dcx.dll to work)
On 06/11/16 Downloads 374 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Similar, but better in many ways to Mainly Sockless, fast , and comprehensive. I think its all you need.
On 06/10/17 Downloads 214 Votes 0 Rating
by err0r
ircWX roomlister addon. Must have DCX.DLL. You will also need to set %ircwx-roomlister-network variable with your domain name. ie
On 05/21/17 Downloads 796 Votes 0 Rating
by JD
This passport updater is the final MSN Chat passport updater to be released. It still works as expected, and is much quicker than it used to be It CAN grab PassportTicket and...

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