
Category: All


On 08/24/10 Downloads 872 Votes 0 Rating
by Amiga600
This script will store your nickname on a your birth date, then when it's your birthday it will echo it out onto the channel along with anyone elses birthday on the same day. Us...
On 03/11/03 Downloads 871 Votes 0 Rating
by Toast
This dialog will warn you when a script enters the room and give you the option to kick or ban them
On 09/26/08 Downloads 870 Votes 2 Rating
by daniel a.k.a. corleone
Corleone script is a simple script for shateros network made by me, it has the connection from odysor.
On 11/02/06 Downloads 869 Votes 0 Rating
by Travis
vTools is designed to base your script on. It's purpose is to provide you with the basic tools you need to use mIRC on VSIXc Chat Network. vTools consists of: Multi-Account ...
On 01/08/10 Downloads 868 Votes 0 Rating
by d33j4y
This is a special edition of the Zyrus script series for SoulFly Buzzen fans! This Multi-Gamer script has many chatroom based games including SuperTrivia, Scraboggle, Family Feud, ...
On 09/14/08 Downloads 867 Votes 0 Rating
by Akishoot
How to use: Right-click on a channel or status window, or go to your menubar and select "Backup Scripts". This is a fairly simple script, and its been made probably a hundred ti...

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