
Category: All


On 07/26/10 Downloads 851 Votes 2 Rating
by Knightrider
Script by Knightrider aka Dragon Heart1 based on SoulFly 1.6 which includes an Aop, Super Trivia and other features. some fixes from faith and solice as well!
On 04/28/13 Downloads 851 Votes 0 Rating
by various sources combined by err0r
Over 1,700 new questions/answers file for Trivia.
On 06/21/03 Downloads 850 Votes 0 Rating
by Rumbaar
Updated to 4.7.1. Bugs fixed. Has everything in the file to run with the new chat ocx
On 12/06/04 Downloads 848 Votes 0 Rating
by Tariq
mIRC mp3 player. Plays almost all audio files!
On 11/15/12 Downloads 847 Votes 2 Rating
by Gabriel
I made this for my own use, and then others seemed to want a copy so here it is. Some of the code is not my own but most is. Any add on that is not my own work is noted and credit...
On 03/29/11 Downloads 846 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Unreal ircd multi-server, Koach,Chatcore,Chains. Singly or multi -join. Lots of options, Custom nicklists, custom menus, mts theme changer, lots of themes and deviations of themes....

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