Category: All
On 05/23/08
Downloads 860
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by Chaos
A beta buzzen communication mIRC development project by Chaos. Included connection with basic options. This project is still in beta and the author would like you to use the built ...
On 10/11/02
Downloads 859
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On 05/08/03
Downloads 858
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by Rumbaar
Well this dialog will allow you to set up to 4 different advertisement messages to be post to your room at different time intervals. There are 3 different methods of posting the m...
On 10/03/06
Downloads 856
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by Warrior124
ScriptureBot is now available for the VSIXc Chat Network. Also available in ScriptureBot is Chat Guardian, and VSIXc Project which is a multi-tool addon. An updater is included wit...
On 03/28/03
Downloads 853
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by Cypher
The creator of DeCypher This has released a new script called Absynthe. This script is very cleanly designed and really does it's job. Uses his own connection which is very fast. W...