Category: All
On 10/19/02
Downloads 845
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by Sysop Laser
A verry complete Dialog with everything you need on it
On 12/09/02
Downloads 844
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On 07/28/05
Downloads 842
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by Warrior124
This is an mP3 player I made complete with color dialog, font dialog, and tooltips.
On 08/30/04
Downloads 841
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by CyberHawk_Z, but redone by The Gate Keeper
This is basically the new biblebot. It does all 22 versions that GuarDDog does. This is already included in GuarDDog, but i have released this script so that people who may want it...
On 03/02/03
Downloads 840
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by Switch/Dangermouse
This is a replica of the Msn HelpMebot system. Great for providing information to your visitors, especially if you run a help room!
On 10/03/06
Downloads 838
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by Warrior124
Chat Guardian is a tool you can use to either filter out words you don't wish to see, or replace the words with something else.