Category: All
On 04/01/22
Downloads 21
Votes 0
by paige
socketless script for sparkpea, fully revamped and updated. Customised, and simple connector fitted. easy to use.
On 11/23/20
Downloads 24
Votes 0
by jotex
menu popups, login system, autojoin, services, usermodes, away system, advertise, pager, logs, reminder, anti idle, lag checker, ctcp replies, ascii
On 11/23/20
Downloads 28
Votes 0
by bozza
his release is a beta product and note not all functions are complete yet but most functions should work correctly, the multi language user function is operational but not implemen...
On 11/23/20
Downloads 95
Votes 0
by Necunoscut
autojoin, away system, buddy list, dictionary, mp3 player, mirc popups, mirc themes, nicklust, games
On 12/13/20
Downloads 6
Votes 0
On 12/16/20
Downloads 4
Votes 0
by unknown
mIRC DLL used to create screenshots
use: dll mirc_ss.dll takess 099 filenamehere
099 is quality. up to 100
*Note does not work with mIRC version 7.64