
Category: All


On 12/16/20 Downloads 4 Votes 0 Rating
by nacitar
========================== Usage ========================== ? Screenshot This command takes a simple screenshot of your computer and saves it to your computer. USE: $dll(pat...
On 03/03/21 Downloads 74 Votes 0 Rating
by d0wn
GIRC version 2.2, new Theme Editor to create custom themes and much more. Full changelog on
On 12/27/20 Downloads 26 Votes 0 Rating
by Saverio Ferrara
I realized the Goku Script when I was just a kid. It was a great success, and since its release it has always been in the top ten of the mIRC scripts. In July of 2001 I had approxi...
On 12/27/20 Downloads 18 Votes 0 Rating
by Alessandro
Brevi riferimenti ai comandi del mIRC: Se vi servono + informazioni sui comandi qui elencati, scrivete /help {come comando} nel mIRC. La lista seguente รจ molto lontana dall'ess...
On 12/27/20 Downloads 116 Votes 0 Rating
by jason
basic standard IRC script
On 09/17/21 Downloads 45 Votes 0 Rating
by paige
Full script for ircWx. Socketless. Just open an account at their website at.. ..and use that in the script. Customized. Last Updated Sept 17th. Fixed profiles and a ...

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